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  Excessive skin care causes premature ageing The trendy "all-in-one" format has replaced piles of bottles and tubes. SIMPLA 360 CONSTANCE VON SCHTEIBNITS,   44 YEARS OLD 23.03.2024, 4:46 pm Korean multistep treatment consisting of 10 products applied one after another was in fashion just recently. But that system quickly failed. Minimalism is trendy now. Cosmetologists have recognized that a lot of cosmetics is impractical and even dangerous for the skin. Excessive care products often lead to inflammation, acne and even early aging of the skin. Skincare,   Simplified   (Finally!) A new trend has come to replace Korean skin care, it's called a cosmetic diet. Asians, and then Europeans started choosing smart complexes "all-in-one" to replace a whole row of creams, serums, and toners. A decent example that wins over women's hearts is the multi complex   Simpla 360 . Is it true that one container of this supplement can replace dozens of cosmetic skin care produ
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